Soquel High Policies
At Soquel, we work to give all students room to be and become themselves. But we have expectations we set to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students and staff.

Discipline Policy
The Santa Cruz City Secondary Schools maintain a safe environment conducive to learning. We believe that our first responsibility as educators is to support students in becoming safe and responsible adolescents and young adults.
We expect all students to act responsibly and respectfully and to conduct themselves in a healthy, self valuing manner as they work to achieve their academic and career goals. We expect our schools to be free of put downs, slurs, harassment, intimidation and bullying including cyber bullying.
We believe it is important for students and parents to understand the expectations of the staff in regards to behavior. We believe the goal of discipline is to change behavior, not to punish. To that end, when a student engages in the behaviors listed below, our first response will be to educate students on the repercussions of their behavior and work with them to avoid such behavior in the future. Consequences for repeated behaviors or moderate to severe behaviors which interfere with the safe, learning environment for all students are detailed below. Suspension from school is employed as a consequence only when other means of intervention have not been successful and/or when an unsafe condition has been created by the student’s behavior. There are incidences in which the schools are mandated by California Education Code Section 48900 to recommend expulsion from the Santa Cruz City Schools. These are noted below.
In addition, the Santa Cruz City Schools appreciates the relationship and support we receive from our law enforcement partners, the Santa Cruz Police Department and the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office. Our School Resource Officers are welcome members of our school community contributing to the safe learning environment we want for all students.
In matters of student discipline, we are obligated by law to call law enforcement whenever a student is engaged in assault leading to physical harm of another student, staff member or visitor. We will also call law enforcement if a student brandishes a knife, is in possession of a firearm or explosive device, or engages in sexual assault or battery. We may call law enforcement to investigate vandalism and theft, possession of a weapon, and to assist us in determining if a student is under the influence of a controlled substance.
We are required by law to notify law enforcement with in one school day when a student is under the influence, in possession of a controlled substance or involved in distribution or sales of a controlled substance.
Each school will maintain a log of contacts with law enforcement in matters of student discipline.
1st Time
Minor Offenses
2nd Time
3rd Time
Academic dishonesty
Class misconduct
Defiance of the authority of teachers, administrators and/or staff members
Derogatory comment
Dress code violation
Electronic devise (cell phone, ipod, etc)
Falsehood/forged note
Laser pointer
Gang attire
Inappropriate Behavior/Language
Internet abuse
Name calling
No show/detention/Sat. School
Left campus w/out pass
Rough play/rough housing
Unauthorized Area
Unsafe Behavior
​Possible Consequences
Community service
Conflict resolution
Letter of apology
Administrative educational assignment
Confiscate item
​Possible Consequences
Community service
Conflict resolution
Letter of apology
Administrative educational assignment
Confiscate item
Parent contact
​Possible Consequences
Community service
Conflict resolution
Letter of apology
Administrative educational assignment
Confiscate item
Parent contact
In school suspension
Moderate Offenses
Defiance of the authority of teachers, administrators and/or staff members
Inappropriate behavior/language
Obscene Acts, Profanity, and Vulgarity
1st Time
​Possible Consequences
Community service
Conflict resolution
Letter of apology
Administrative educational assignment
2nd Time
​Possible Consequences
Community service
Conflict resolution
Letter of apology
Administrative educational assignment
Saturday School
3rd Time
​Possible Consequences​
Community service
Conflict resolution
Letter of apology
Administrative educational assignment
Saturday School
In school suspension
Violation of CA Education Code or Illegal Acts
Aided or abetted Physical Injury
Caused, attempted, or Threatened Physical Injury
Committed an Act of Hate Violence
Defiance of authority--repeated, ongoing or sufficiently serious as to interfere with the learning process or endanger the welfare of others
Harassment or Intimidation-creating pervasive climate interfering with the educational process
Harassment or Intimidation of Witness
Made Terrorist Threats
Obscene Acts, Profanity, and Vulgarity
Offered, Arranged, or Negotiated Sale of Controlled Substance, Alcohol, or Drug Paraphenalia
Possession of an Imitation Firearm
Possession of a Controlled Substance
Possession or use of Tobacco Products
Possession, Use, or Furnishing Controlled Substance or Alcohol
Property damage
Property theft
Received stolen property
1st Time
​Possible Consequences
Community service
Conflict resolution
Administrative educational assignment
Seven Challenges
2nd Time
​Possible Consequences​
3rd Time
​Possible Consequences​
Mandated recommendation for Expulsion
1st Time
Assault or battery upon a school employee
Brandishing a Knife
Caused serious physical injury
Possession of an explosive
Possession of a controlled substance (except for 1st offense < 1 oz of marijuana)
Possession of a fire arm
Robbery or extortion
Sales of any controlled substance including marijuana
Sexual assault or sexual battery
Mandated recommendation for Expulsion
Dress Code
Students are encouraged to dress in a way that is comfortable and conducive to an active school day.​ For safety, shoes must be worn at all times.
The following guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities:
Shoes must be worn at all times.
Students CANNOT Wear Clothing, jewelry and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles etc.) that depict:
Violent language or images
Images or language depicting drugs, alcohol, tobacco, nicotine, e-cigarette or vaping, hate speech, profanity, pornography (or any illegal item or activity) or the use of the same
Images or language that create a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class (defined as race, ethnicity, country of origin, religion).
Privacy Policy
Your privacy is of paramount concern to us at Soquel High School. The information we collect on this site is only used for its stated purpose. We do not sell or share any of the information we collect with any third parties. Soquel High School also complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which prohibits the release of education records without student permission. For more details on FERPA, currently-enrolled students should contact the Soquel Administrative Office.
Collection of Data - Our registration process requires a valid e-mail address and a unique password. Providing us with other information is at your option. Please take note that your user name, e-mail address, or other submissions that you make on this site may contain your real name or other personally identifiable information and, as a result, may appear on this site. Like many web sites, we may also automatically receive general information that is contained in our server log files such as your IP address and cookie information.
Use of Data - Soquel High School currently has an electronic newsletter ("Knight Notes") and may offer similar items in the future. We also maintain a voluntary listing of Soquel High School Alumni.
Copyright - This website is owned and operated by Soquel High School in Soquel, California. All content included on our site is owned by Soquel High School. United States and international copyright laws protect all content. You may view and download content for your personal, noncommercial use only, provided you keep intact all credits and copyright and proprietary notices. To reproduce, republish, distribute, or publicly display, or use the content for any other purpose, you must first obtain or express written permission.
Disclaimer - The Soquel High School website has links to other websites. These include links to websites operated by other government agencies, organizations, private individuals and businesses. When you link to another site, you are no longer on our website and this Privacy Statement will not apply. When you link to another website, you are subject to the privacy policy of that new site.​​​
- Neither Soquel High School, nor any agency, officer, volunteer or employee of Soquel High School warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by this system, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, products, or services linked from this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system does so at his or her own risk.
- Neither Soquel High School, nor any agency, officer, volunteer or employee of Soquel High School warrants the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information published by this system, nor endorses any content, viewpoints, products, or services linked from this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by reliance on the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person or entity that relies on any information obtained from this system does so at his or her own risk.
Grading Policy
Grades are issued six time during the school year, once every six weeks. After each grading period, progress reports are mailed home. The six weeks grades are considered progress reports. Only grades issued at the end of each semester (comprised of three 6-week grading periods) become part of the student's permanent record.
An incomplete grade in any subject during the fall semester must be completed within the first six weeks of the spring semester. Teachers will complete a Grade Change form as soon as possible once any required makeup work is completed. An incomplete not cleared with the prescribed time will automatically be recorded as a failure (F).